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What's that...?  You want to get yourself a Dimitrii Hat?  Well congratulations as you've just taking your first step to being more Awesome  :)


So... what you need to do is go to the Contact Me link and send me an email stating what you would like.  Look through my previous hats and see if there is something that catches your eye, just remember that I will not make one exactly the same, but can use pattern ideas, colours etc to make one that suits you.  I can also try and include your personal device into the design so send me an email and we can have a chat.


One thing I do need to know is your head circumfrence at the crown, and while you've got the tape measure out for me, measure from front to back as well at the crown in case you have a larger noggin than the average human being.  :)


So that's it... usually it takes a month depending on my mundane life to get your hat ready.  The cost... well that comes down to a few things.  How much wool, how much embroidery and work is involved, what type of fur, and of course if I like you or not  ;)   But in general a furred hat can be about $50 upwards.

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